Teeth Facts

  • Is it normal for gums to bleed while brushing?
  • No. The usual reason for gums to bleed is due to soft or hard deposits on the teeth, which irritate the gums. The gums on constant irritation become swollen and slightly reddish in color which on slightest stimulation, like brushing of teeth, starts bleeding. Once the deposits become hard (calculus) regular tooth brushing will not help get rid of it, which should then be removed by a dentist.

  • Is it advisable to use self medication when there is tooth pain?
  • No. The reason for tooth pain should be identified and steps should be taken to eliminate the cause. Self medication can cause drug resistance and unfavorable side effects.

  • What are the consequences of having irregular teeth?
  • Irregularly placed teeth, along with affecting esthetics, can be difficult to keep clean by regular brushing. When this happens, deposits start to accumulate on the teeth which further lead to bleeding gums.

  • Is there a remedy if gums are visible excessively while smiling?
  • This condition is known as "gummy smile" and different treatment modalities are available. The best treatment plan can be explained by your dentist after observing the extent of gum exposure on smiling.

  • Can gum diseases during pregnancy affect the health of the unborn child?
  • Yes. It has been observed that swollen and bleeding gums in pregnant women can lead to premature child birth or low birth weight of the infant. This can easily be avoided by a dental visit, before planning for a child.

  • Is dental treatment generally expensive and painful?
  • Not necessarily. There are progressive stages in any dental diseases. By getting a simple cavity treated at the right time, you can avoid more expensive procedures like RCT or crowns and bridges which may be needed at advanced stages of tooth destruction. Similarly treatment performed at the initial stages of bleeding gums will prevent progression of the condition which may later require elaborate and more expensive procedures. Effective pain control measures can be taken at each stage of treatment.

    The best time to visit a dentist is when there is no pain (just for consultation). This way any procedure on the dental chair too will be painless.